Amber Nursery
About our Daycare
At Little Amber Nursery, we believe that every day is a learning day and that learning is all around us. As well as being a place of learning, we pride ourselves on ensuring that all children are coming into a loving, caring environment where they are valued and listened to. We also involve children and parents in trying to continually improve.
Opened in September 2016, our nursery aims to provide a home from home feel where the children can free-flow around the whole nursery building with the support of qualified friendly staff.
Children have the chance to take part in lots of fun activities both inside or in our lovely secure outside area – which comes complete with nice shady trees.
The nursery also has daily reading and singing times and children have access to booked and creative resources whenever they want to throughout the day too. We just love learning through play – whatever way!

Aspire Community Care & Support
Aspire Community Care & Support is a domiciliary care provider registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission. We provide a range of care and support services to assist individuals that require them to maintain their independence and continue to live with dignity in the community as long as possible. So whatever your independent living requirements are, our trained, professional, and friendly staff are always delighted to assist you to your satisfaction and go the extra mile when required. At Aspire we accept that each individual is unique and so is their care package. So whether you require a few visits a week or 24 hours a day, Aspire Support can help you.

Baltic Accountancy Services
Keeping accountancy services simple Baltic Accountancy Services Ltd specializes in a variety of accounting services with outstanding support. We provide accountancy services for companies and individual customers. We understand how busy you are, and with our expertise, we can take care of your accounting needs quickly and effectively. We are equipped to handle the books for you, leaving you to worry less and live more. We can provide you with professional financial and legal advice at a reasonable fee.
Baltic Accountancy Services Ltd provides unparalleled personalized accounting services to a broad range of clients across the UK. As your accountants, we are here to ensure that all of your financial decisions are made carefully and with your best interests in mind. We are ready and able to serve as your financial advisor, tax planner, and guide down your path to success. Read more

Debt and benefits adviser
A debt and benefits adviser will be offering free advice to all centre users.
If you are struggling with debt or would like to know
more about what you could be entitled to, please attend
This is a drop in session – no appointment needed
The sessions will be in the boardroom on the following dates
following dates
January 21 st 2022
February 25th 2022
March 25th 2022