Perfect Community Care
At Perfect Community Care we provide quality community and unique home care by supporting adults with disabilities as well as vulnerable people with dementia, physical or mental health issues. Our service coordinates and facilitates grouped activities in a centre and also in the local community. Our professional staff are committed to provide benevolent support and ensure our service users gain access to a wide range of the services available to them. Our dedicated team also provide a warm home care service that maintains your dignity, right of choice and promotes your well being.

St Mark’s Church of England Beckton
We love God
We Love All of God’s People.
We Love ALL of God’s People in Beckton
We Love ALL of God’s People in Beckton Community and the Surrounding Areas
Safeguarding Disclaimer:
At St Mark’s, we are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/perpetrators of Domestic Abuse, and Vulnerable Adults.
St Mark’s Church, Beckton PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is MARGARET WRIGHT, who may be contacted at church or by email: margaretwright1920@gmail.com

Little Dance Studio
See all London Rd, West Thurrock RM20 4AR Grays Little Dance Studio is for creative children to reveal their artistic potential in dance and performance, working within a group and on individual goals. 691 people like this722 people follow this6 people checked in here07468 481799Send message price range · £littledancestudio@yahoo.comAlways openSports & Fitness Instruction · Dance Studio · Arts & Entertainment

Newham Chinese Association (NCA)
What We Do 我們所做的
Newham Chinese Association (NCA) was set up in 1987 to support the Chinese community of Newham in particular the most vulnerable. NCA provides a range of social and educational activities such as lunch club, fitness dance, workshops, day trips, support services, organising festive and birthday celebrations and oral history projects.
紐咸華人協會(NCA)成立於1987年,旨在服務紐咸華人社區,特別是弱勢社群的華人。 NCA提供各種社交和教育活動,例如午餐会,健身舞,健康講座,一日遊,支持服務,組織節日和生日慶祝活動以及口述歷史項目
Our Mission 我們的任務
Newham Chinese Association strives for equality for everyone. We aim to create a safe place for everyone including people with disabilities, single parents, the unemployed, and those that are socially isolated to come together and share opportunities.

Regular room booking rates and facilities
Function Room
(100 seated)
£45 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9 am – 9:30 pm
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
Weekend Parties: Evenings only
Saturday: 5 pm to 12 am
Sunday’s: 4 pm to 10 pm
Function Rate:
£70 Per Hour
Monday to Sunday
Sports Hall
(100 seated)
£40 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9 am – 9:30 pm
£40 Per hour
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
Weekend Parties: Evenings only
Saturday: 5 pm to 12 am
Sunday’s: 4 pm to 10 pm
Function Rate:
£70 per Hour
Monday to Sunday
Children’s Centre
{30 seated)
£30 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9 am – 9:30 pm
£40 Per Hour
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm Sunday- 9 am – 6 pm
Function Rate:
£70 Per Hour
Sunday up to 8 pm
Training Room (Office 18)
£30 Per Hour
M on-Fri 9 am – 9:30 pm
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
Board Room
(12 seated)
£30 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9 am – 9:30 pm
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
( Office tenants’ special rate: £10 per hour)
Additional Charges:
Use of the kitchen £50 one of the fee
(Only evenings and weekends).
Equipment Hire (excludes functions)
Laptop – £20 per day/ £10 half day
Projector and screen – £20 per day/ £10 half day
Projector screen only – £8 per day
Flipchart and pad – £10 per day

Third sector (charity organisations) booking rates
Third Sector room booking rate and facilities hire price list
Rooms are charged by the hour
Applys to registered charities only (Charity number required)
Function Room (100 seated)
£35 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9am – 9:30pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sports Hall (100 seated)
£30 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9am – 9:30pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Training Room (Office 18) (30seated)
£20 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9am – 9:30pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Board Room (12 seated)
£20 Per Hour
Mon-Fri 9am -9:30pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Equipment Hire: (excludes Parties & functions)
–Projector and screen
–Flipchart and pad
Ask at reception for prices

Making the Piano Sing
A music student in the 70’s, I dropped out to become a semi-professional pianist/keyboardist in rock and jazz bands, and a soloist in lounge bars and restaurants in the UK. During this musical apprenticeship, I developed my compulsive composing talents.
Later, I dropped back into academia, graduating in theology and philosophy whilst studying piano under Ray Banning, Professor of Piano at Trinity College, London, and acclaimed concert pianist.

Newham Foodbank
Newham Foodbank is an independent charity run in partnership with local Churches /Partners. We provide emergency food crisis support across 6 distribution centers by collecting donations to redistribute to help families and individuals in need.
No one should go hungry while we can help it.
We are very grateful for your donations and support.